Constantia Sports Centre
Constantia Road
Constantia Pre School
Every child deserves the best possible start in life
Our Family
Feel reassured and confident about leaving your little one in the care of our experienced and highly qualified teachers and assistants, who will guide your child through the important developmental stages with encouragement and care. The success of the school is due greatly to the commitment and continuity of the schools staff.

It is a privilege to come to work every day and be a part of nurturing and developing the future generation of our country.

Red Group Teacher
Ages 1 - 2
Teaching is my absolute passion. The key to a happy child is creating a prepared environment that settles each child into the school as smoothly as possible.

Assistant Teacher
& Aftercare
Children motivate me to be a better person and I enjoy seeing them grow. I feel pride in working for a school with such good reputation.

Assistant Teacher
& Aftercare
As a mother of two children I have a natural understanding of the needs of young children. I love my job at CPS.

Green Group Teacher
Ages 2 - 3
I'm lucky enough to have chosen my dream job, teaching children is a great joy.

Green Group Teacher
Ages 2 - 3
I am beyond excited to have this opportunity, to be a part of each child's learning development at CPS

Assistant Teacher
& Aftercare
Just as children learn from me, I learn from them too. It is so rewarding to work with children.

Blue Group Teacher
Ages 3 -4
I am so lucky to do something I love everyday. Helping children grow and thrive is the most rewarding part of my job.

Assistant Teacher
& Aftercare
Being able to help children grow and learn everyday, is why I love working at CPS.

Blue Group Teacher
Ages 3 - 4
Working with children is my true passion! Everyday is so different yet so rewarding!

Yellow Group Teacher
Ages 4 - 5
I love being a teacher because it allows me to inspire curiosity, spark creativity and help children unlock their full potential

Assistant Teacher
& Aftercare
Working with children and watching them learn and develop is why I love teaching at CPS.

Ms Hiebner
Grade R Teacher
From a young age I always wanted to be a teacher and it is a privilege to be a part of their educational process.

School Chef
Josie creates deliciously warm meals daily for your littles ones. Parents are always asking for her recipes.

Grounds Keeper
Bongani has looked after the school and kept it looking lush for over the past 20 years.

Tsi - Tsi
Assistant Teacher
& Aftercare
I am so happy to work at a school where the children are so loved and cared for.

I am so happy to be here to offer admin and any support to the Teachers, Children and Parents at CPS!